Francois Maritz

Sep 3, 20191 min

The Proximity Principle with Ken Coleman

The Proximity Principle: In order to do what you want to do, you have to be around the people that are doing it and in the places where it is happening.

  1. The Proximity Mindset:

  2. Know your role (clarity)

  3. Accept your role (attitude)

  4. Maximise your role (effort)

In Coleman’s book he lists

  1. 5 archetypes that you should surround yourself with: 

  2. Professor

  3. Producer

  4. Professional

  5. Peer

  6. Mentor

  7. 5 places to consider: 

  8. Where you are

  9. Place to learn

  10. Place to practice

  11. Place to perform

  12. Place to grow

He mentions the law of the zipcode: Everything you need to get started is already around you.

#intentionality #kencoleman #proximityprinciple
